John Radmanovich

Investment Adviser Representative

A Life of Service and Family

John Radmanovich, a dedicated family man and seasoned entrepreneur, was born into a bustling household in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, as the eldest of seven children. From an early age, John’s responsibilities at home laid the groundwork for his leadership qualities and strong work ethic.

At 18, John enlisted in the Army, serving four commendable years with the 82nd Airborne Division. His military tenure instilled in him a profound sense of discipline and commitment, qualities that would later define his entrepreneurial ventures.

After his military service, John ventured into the restaurant industry, where he showcased his leadership and business acumen. He successfully owned and managed six Country Kitchen restaurants, a testament to his hard work and dedication to providing excellent service.

John’s personal life is as rich and fulfilling as his professional endeavors. He and his wife, together for over 38 years, have raised five children, embedding in them the values of loyalty and service. Now a proud grandfather to four, John’s life revolves around his grandchildren, embodying the joys of family and the importance of legacy.

Outside of his family and business commitments, John is passionate about the outdoors. He spends much time hunting with his sons and playing golf, activities that keep him connected to nature and his family.